Where, when, how?
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3. Connections
How does it all make sense?

"Atlantis nesos"
(Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος), literally means "Atlas's Island"
Disappeared Advanced Civilizations

There are many signs of lost, but advanced civilizations all around the world
3/a. Signs in the World
Rapid sealevel rise
Mass Extinction of species
Huge crater under Greenland’s ice points to climate-altering impact in the time of humans

The Richat Structure is aligned with major archeological sites around the globe. These places were probably wiped out by the same catastrophic event that caused the "the great flood".
3/b. Similar Flood Myths
Most cultures have a very similar legend of a huge flood "long ago", which truly happened. (We can still see the signs and find proof of it)
Usually global in scale
Only few people and animal survives
Usually sent by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution.
(e.g. Noah - Genesis, Kumari Kandam, Gun-yu, Lemuria, Atlantis)
Dr. Sean Welsh - How Noah's Flood Destroyed Atlantis
Stanford University - Catastrophy in the Ancient World
3/c. Early Holocene sea level rise
There was a significant jump in sea level by about 25-60 m during the early Holocene, between about 12,000 and 7,000 years ago
3/d. Catastrophy in the Ancient World

We have various evidence for an impact event that marks the beginning of the Younger Dryas. Proponents of the hypothesis claim that these datas cannot be adequately explained by volcanic, anthropogenic, or other natural processes.

The Younger Dryas (around 12,900 to 11,700 years BP) was a return to glacial conditions after the Late Glacial Interstadial

Radar-sounding technology (Radioglaciology) reveals a huge impact crater under Greenland ice in 2018

3/e. Proof of the impact
The Greenland platinum peak makes clear that an extraterrestrial impact occurred close to the onset of the Younger Dryas
Reported materials including nanodiamonds, metallic microspherules, carbon spherules, magnetic spherules, iridium, platinum,platinum/ palladium ratios, charcoal, soot, and fullerenes enriched with helium-3
"11,500-11,000 years ago, when sea level may have jumped by 28 m"
Continental meltwater–carried detritus from Greenland
Extinction of Pleistocene megafaunas around 12.000 years ago
Biggest animals (Woolly Mammoth, Giant deer)
worse swimming abilities
slower movement
not enough food
The Holocene, starting with abrupt warming 11,700 years ago, resulted in rapid melting of the remaining ice sheets of North America and Europe.

Oldest genetically intact human skeleton is 12-13.000 years old
The submergence of the cave helped preserve the skeleton "Naia"
Ice Age Predators were found alongside
"glimpse into the rapidly shifting world that surrounded "Naia"
3/f. Lost Civilizations

Such a huge catastrophy would probably destroy almost all the people and wipe out whole civilizations.

Göbekli Tepe (~11.000 BC)
The world's oldest known temple on a precise geometric plan. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh in the U.K. argue that some of the carvings found at Göbekli Tepe indicate how a comet strike may have been responsible for a history-changing period on Earth.
3/g. Architecture before the flood
Ancient structures and huge mysterious pyramids were found all around the world, however, their age-determination was mainly based on circumstantial information, which can provide misleading results.

Mostly huge stone structures would survive the catastrophic flood and the centuries-long climate change
It is very likely that arising civilizations in the past 10.000 years re-used, re-built, or modified these buildings, that's why archaeologists found evidence of cultures living around these buildings in later times
Only the excavation of undisturbed ancient archeological sites can show true evidence about these cultures (e.g. Göbekli tepe, Richat Structure)
Keep in mind:
We cannot use Radiocarbon dating (carbon-14 dating)
We can only use circumstantial information (for example potteries, writings, etc), which might not originate from the time when these stone buildings were built
A sample will provide misleading or confusing results if materials of different ages are deposited in the same context ("old wood problem")
Stone is inorganic material, so when determining the age:

3/h. The prehistoric alignment of World Wonders
The Richat Structure is alligned with mysterious places such as the Pyramids of Giza, the lost city of Petra, Nazca, the Sumerian city of Ur, Persepolis the capital city of ancient Persia, Mohenjo-daro the ancient capital city of the Indus Valley; the temples at Angkor Wat and Easter Island are all aligned on a single great circle.

The flood caused the mysterious disappearance of these cultures and ancient knowledge
These areas were probably destroyed by the same catastrophy which caused the flood and the rapid climate change.
Were ancient civilizations destroyed by the same catastrophy?
Why were ancient people building similar structures?
Is there a connection between ancient ruins?
What could be the pyramid's real purpose?
Are they dated well?
The "all-seeing eye" and triangular pyramid has an important meaning all around the world. Usually associated with god or the creator.

3/i. The lost City of Atlantis
Atlantis was probably a capital city of the Pyramid builder Civilizations

There are multiple reasons to assume that the lost city of Atlantis is located in the Richat Structure, which is aligned with major archeological sites around the globe. These places were probably wiped out by the same catastrophic event that caused the "the great flood".

3/j. Ancient Egypt and Atlantis
"The men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia."

According to Plato the empire of Atlantis ruled over Egypt
3/k. The Great Pyramids of Giza
The Great Pyramids were probably built by Atlanteans
The Pyramids of Giza were submerged for a long time and the whole area clearly shows signs of water-erosion.
3/l. Mystery of Giza
A mystery that we need to find solution together
Masterpiece of technical skill and engineering ability
It is still unclear how "Khufu’s pyramid" with its 5.75-million-ton structure was built
2.3 million blocks of stone (averaging more than 2200 kg/block in weight)
Some granite blocks weights around 50-80 tons. (50-80.000 kg)
Almost perfect north-south archaeoastronomical alignment with an accuracy of up to 0.05 degrees
No mummies were ever found in them
The Pyramids of Giza are much more complex and advanced than other pyramids:

3/m. Electromagnetic Properties of Pyramids
Scientists predicted that under resonance conditions, the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers and under the base.

Wireless power transmission technology
Hypothesis suggests that the Great Pyramids could have been electric generators capable of harvesting power from Earth's electromagnetic field.
Subterranean chambers
The pyramid’s underground chambers could have been granite conductors built within the rock charged with physio-electricity. This electric current is conducted directly to the upper part of the pyramid’s granite covered subterranean chambers. Granite is a very good conductor of electricity.

Scientists expect that this achievement will open up a new field of science and contribute to the development of a wide range of application fields.

Nikola Tesla used an identical form of this technology in the Wardenclyffe Tower.

Nikola Tesla
Solving the mystery could help us with producing clean renewable energy.

Global Crisis & Climate change

Wildfires, hurricanes and other unusual weather is becoming more frequent
Coronavirus Pandemic
Greenland could lose more ice this century than it has in 12,000 years

" There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes."
Renewable energy from ancient cultures
One of the biggest problems of humanity in the 21st century is the fossil fuel industry which destroys the environment and accelerate climate change.
Humanity needs clean electric energy in large-scale and safer than nuclear power plants. Today's renewable energy generators still have their limitations, so the technology of the pyramids can offer a great solution for the 21st century.
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